A minimum initial payment of 15% of the total price of your order plus all applicable taxes is due when the merchandise is put into layaway.
Layaway balance is due within 60 days of the item being placed on layaway. You may make payments at any time. If merchandise is not fully paid on/or before 60 days from initiation date your layaway may be cancelled and the merchandise may be returned to the sales floor. At it’s discretion, Brim on Fifth may extend the final due date. If you do not make payment in a timely manner Brim on Fifth may cancel your layaway pursuant to this policy.
You are entitled to cancel your layaway at any time, and Brim on Fifth may cancel your layaway if you do not make a required payment in a timely manner. Upon a cancellation you may receive a store credit for all payments made on an incomplete layaway less a restocking fee of 15% of the total price of your order plus all applicable taxes.
Gift cards are not eligible for layaway.
Layaway transactions are not eligible for return.